Produce Rescues in Southern Arizona
Do you like the idea of keeping good produce out of landfills and saving money? Then buying rescue produce will be right up your alley.

Tucson Produce Rescues
There are two organizations that operate locations in Southern Arizona that do just that. They keep produce and groceries out of the landfill by selling it to consumers in bulk. Generally the events take place on Saturdays but occasionally locations will hold events on other days of the week.
The variety of food available varies greatly by season and what is leftover that week. Both organizations post the varieties available at each location by Friday afternoon.
Both organizations encourage everyone to share with their friends and family because most people can use 20 lbs of tomatoes or 10 butternut squash before it spoils. Splitting a box with another family is another great option if you know someone else that is interested.

Borderlands’ Produce on Wheels With-Out Waste
Borderlands P.O.W.W.O.W. gives at least 70 lbs of produce for a $15 contribution. Most locations offer a drive-thru distribution where each box is packed ahead of time and then loaded into your trunk for a minimal contact experience.
In addition some locations will allow you to prepay for your box ahead of time, assuring they won’t run out before you arrive. And for families without transportation, some locations allow you to order a box via Door Dash if you live within a certain range.
3000 Club Market On The Move
Market on the Move (MOM) offers up to 60 lbs of produce and grocery items for a $10 contribution. They operate every Saturday from their Tucson warehouse April through October from 6AM-8AM and November through March from 7AM-9AM. Additional hosts sites are available most of the year (excluding summer months) and usually operated 8AM-10AM.
Check out their FACEBOOK page for a schedule each week of locations and food items.
The Tucson warehouse is located at 4515 E 22nd St. Their Tucson warehouse tends to get very big lines, very early in the morning and so I don’t recommend going there unless you live nearby. Try a remote location, they tend to not be as crowded. Plus you don’t have to get up as early, although I still recommend being there at opening time to ensure they don’t run out.